No Zentangle today, that just felt waaaay too easy. I saw a picture from Peggy's Cove in a new Facebook friend's photo album and was drawn to it, so I thought I would tackle it in watercolour and a bit of ink line. Oiy! I am rusty. Proper watercolour paper would have been better but it felt good just to do it.
I spent most of the day linking a 340 page interactive pdf. Creative? I don't think so. Such is the world of graphic design these days. Came home with a headache and some Indian take out.
It's 10pm, and I'm tired & grumpy so it's a short post and off to bed. If, that is, I can tear myself away from the home reno show that is on. Geez, I love those shows! A throw-back to my short lived interior design career.
Happy creating!
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